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Common People Bible Study Guides

    ...and the common people heard him gladly. Mark 12:37

About Our Guides: Welcome

The Common People Bible Study Guides  focus strictly on the Bible guiding you verse by verse.  The Bible is a spiritual book and taught by the Holy Spirit. The format of The Common People Bible Study Guides does not interrupt that "still small voice" with academic type questions.  Instead, it let's you visualize what you have just read bringing back into focus the words your brain skipped over.   Defining unfamiliar wording, which may become a stumbling block, becomes easy as you learn to rely on the Scriptures to define themselves.  

Even though these are excellent guides for the new Christian, they have NOT been "dumbed down".  On the contrary, they give those new to the Scriptures confidence to do more in-depth studies.  Along with teaching general Bible knowledge, they guide you through deeper studies that leave us in awe of God's Word.  Teachers will find the format that organizes each chapter invaluable for preparing Sunday School lessons or small group studies.  These study guides are also perfect for homeschoolers teaching teens to love their own Bibles instead of following a dry curriculum. 

Most importantly, The Common People Bible Study Guides build your faith in the promise of the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you through your own reading.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.
John 16:13


These study guides are not devotional type journals or academic workbooks.  While devotionals gives guidance on practical applications to our daily lives, they do nothing to build your faith in the God of the Bible.  Through an academic curriculum, one can learn general knowledge and historical facts through memorization. 

The Common People Bible Study Guides are different in that they focus on the words of God.   At first glance, they may appear to be ordinary workbooks but there are no academic type questions such as true/false, matching or multiple choice.  These tend to distract from your reading as you search or try to recall your answers.  

Immediately after reading in your Bible, you are asked to complete verses or label people or places.   The first letter of each answer is already filled in for you.  This seems elementary but it actually draws your attention to the words that you just skipped over.  You'll discover these are not words that you immediately forgot, but words that you just didn't see.  This is important because these words are quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Heb. 4:12

As you complete the study, the people, places and events will organize themselves.  You'll learn the same general knowledge taught in academic curriculums, in addition to, being able to visualize the context of your reading.  This is absolutely necessary to properly interpret the Word of God.  False doctrine has its roots in interpreting verses out of their proper context.

Overall, after completing just one study guide, you'll gain confidence that the Bible truly is written to the common people.  It is a book complete in itself; meant to be read and studied by them.  There is no need for outside sources to understand the heart of God.  What we do need is a heart that is willing to "diligently seek and search the Scriptures!"
...and the common people heard him gladly.  Mark 12:37

Obadiah Example Website (15).png
Obadiah Example Website (12).png
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