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If you would like a  study guide that demands sincere meditation on the words of God, these guides are for you!   They are written with the layman  and the common man in mind.  They're  perfect for a new convert, and challenging enough for the Christian of many years.  Highly recommend !!!

Vivian Arnold

To say this series of books is helpful seems like an understatement.  For those who don't read because you think "I don't know where to start." or "I can't understand",    these books will  take away those insecurities. You will  want to read more and more!!!  They will lead  you to God the only way there is,  through His Word!  WHAT HE SAYS MATTERS MORE THAN ANYTHING!!! 

I am so very thankful for these study guides.  A true gift God has given the author to help someone, ME! 

I have been fighting with the Holy Spirit for several months and wrestling with where to start, what to read and even how.  This study has made a huge difference in how I read.  It is more intentional and has a different feel.  The notes and the way it is laid out is NOT overwhelming.  It's easily understood.  These study guides have been an answer to prayer for me.  I am loving it!

Casey Sue Bales
Surgical Tech

The Common People Bible Study Guides helped me to slow down and really dive deep into my Bible!  I just finished the Book of John and  discovered  words that I overlooked before.  I never noticed the words “come and see”  are used multiple times throughout the book.  I saw Jesus really does want me to "come and see" for myself.   After using this study guide,   I feel confident that the Bible is written to me!

Pastor Dewayne Walker, Mt. Olivet Baptist Church

Tira Corn

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